Creative Counseling Services

Individualized Therapy for Children, Adolescents and Families

Everyone faces challenges, yet we each have a unique way of overcoming them.  Using a Prescriptive therapeutic approach, Creative Counseling Services will work with you and your family to find what works best for you.  We aim to empower children, adolescents, and families through diverse therapies to meet your needs.  Therapy services include talk therapy, Play therapy, Sand tray therapy, and other expressive arts.  

Join us on the journey as we help you and your child gain personal strength to facilitate healing and growth.  

                 Our Services

Our counseling services for ages 4-20 are designed to empower individuals to overcome challenges in a safe and supportive environment. Whether your child prefers talking, drawing, or playing, our therapy sessions are tailored to meet each individual's unique developmental needs, ensuring you receive the personalized care you deserve.

 Play Therapy

We utilize play therapy techniques to help children and adolescents express their thoughts and emotions within a secure and interactive environment.

Sand Tray Therapy

Our Sand tray therapy sessions provide a unique method for individuals to explore and process their challenges and emotions through symbolic play.


Adolescents aged 10-20 have unique needs which can be explored through the counseling relationship. They are at a stage in life where they are navigating challenges and transitions, both physically and emotionally. The counseling relationship offers them a safe space to be listened to and not judged. 

Support for Families

If your child or adolescent is receiving therapy, you, as their parent or caregiver, play a vital role in their healing. Aside from individual therapy services with your child, we offer comprehensive therapy services and education on child development and parenting skills.  

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